Sunday, December 31, 2006

Special Report - Road to Riches

THOSE OF US who have passed the mile-stones that mark the early roads of business, often fancy that a bit of our experience might be of some value to the young who are just starting out on that thoroughfare. And while we do not believe that we can lay down a chart which will invariably lead to success, we do think that our own mistakes, and the mistakes we have seen others make, ought to be of benefit to those who are treading in our steps.

I chose a business career because it was the best offered me. Had I the power to choose among the professions, I might have selected one of them; but I was where most young men of to-day are—very ambitious and very poor. I was like the young man who told his father-in-law that he had no money, " but was chock full of days' work." I was full of the energy that seemed to tell me that if I had but half a chance I would not ask for help—I would make my own way in the world.


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